Monday, January 31, 2011

breastfeeding ninja

The choice to breastfeed wasn't so much of a choice for us but more of a matter of circumstance. While pregnant I was of course aware of the studies and such that show that breast milk is a healthy choice for babies. I was determined to make a good attempt at it but wasn't really that gung ho about since I myself was formula-fed and turned out just fine.

I consider myself blessed that breastfeeding ended up working for us since I know it is such a struggle for a lot of moms. We definitely had our share of struggles especially the first week since my milk did not come in until day 5 and Max had jaundice and was losing weight. Thank God for awesome pediatricians who were so helpful not just in treating his jaundice but in keeping me encouraged about breastfeeding. We still have our struggles even now though. We're actually going through one now which may be due to him teething or just having a lousy latch. Hopefully we'll get through this one since I'm thinking I'll try to nurse until his 1st year or at least until I get a job.

Aside from the obvious advantage in that it is free, I've also learned to actually enjoy the now requisite extra cuddle time with Max. It has actually been demonstrated that a suckling baby triggers oxytocin release in moms which may account for the immense feeling of "OMG you are so cute, I love you and would do anything for you" I get everytime I nurse. In the early weeks it did sometimes feel like a chore because it hurt and he needs fed so often and I have to be ready to drop whatever it is I am doing to nurse. And of course it always took him forever! He still nurses every three hours or so now during the day but he's dropped his late night and early morning feeding which is amazing. He also only nurses for about 20 minutes at a time now compared to the hour he used to take before.

Why am I telling you all this now? Well I guess I just wanted to share my experiences with breastfeeding and how it has worked out for us. Also now we've gotten to the point where I could nurse anywhere. The best time/place yet was yesterday at Church during the message. I figured my baby needing fed shouldn't keep me from being fed as well. It's surprising to me how subtle nursing can be that most people would not notice it at all. I of course also used my nursing cover but I've nursed in public before without it (at the airport, in planes etc.,) and still been pretty well-covered. That's why I've decided I've gotten to the point where I could call myself a breastfeeding ninja.

Speaking of which, my 3 hours is up and someone needs fed. Here's to the next oxytocin rush!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So, how's life been?

Busy. . . and fabulously different.

So we've fallen off the face of the planet. Again. I am slowly making my way out of the fog that is having a newborn. We are getting sleep. Sleep! Still not normal-folk sleep but enough to enable me to string together words and form sentences. So, about things. . .

Max is almost 5 months old.

He likes. . .

milk, eating his fingers, airplane rides on mom's/dad's legs, getting his feet tickled, his play mat, his doggie dog, being nekkid, his changing table, his bouncy chair, his carseat, mirrors, his binky, being cuddled, being talked to, singing sunday school songs, batting at everything

He dislikes. . .

tummy time, being clothed, being ignored, colds, losing his binky, any delay in getting fed

As for me, I am staying home with him. It is fun and difficult and exciting and tedious and so different than anything I have ever done. And it chances so quickly because he changes so quickly. Right now we both have a cold so that kind of sucks. Max is taking it much better than I am because I whine much more.

Paul is taking to the task of being a dad so well. He actually makes up much better songs than I do because he employs words whereas I use mostly just syllables.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I'll try to do this again. I'm working on our birth story so that should be up soon. And of course I won't leave you without a testament to my boy's cuteness.

he's cute even when doing something he dislikes